Al Deer Forum (2024)


  • Land, Leases, and Hunting ...

  • 300 Weatherby Mag Ammunition 20rd by CouchNapper. 09/04/24 06:13 AM

2. Bama Deer Hunting - Bamahuntin

  • Bama Deer Hunting. Ask any and all serious deer questions here. 246 topics.

  • New Topic

3. Question about Alabama | Page 2 | Tennessee Hunting & Fishing Forum

4. Whitetail in Alabama - Hunting Forums - Rokslide

  • Jan 21, 2019 · There are some decent whitetails to be had. Deer are plentiful in most areas and the seasons are looong with generous bag limits. You might try ...

  • Alright, I'm moving to Alabama this summer for work....Yeah, I'm gonna be flying back west every hunting season I get to hunt, but, it won't be possible every year. So, I'm checking out the hunting they have down there, and it looks like whitetail and hogs. I've never hunted from a tree stand...

5. Alabama Deer Hunt Recomendations - GON Forum

  • Nov 30, 2010 · Westervelt Lodge in Pickens County, Al does a good job with deer. Not cheap but a quality hunt with about 7000 acres under quality management.

  • I'm looking for some recommendations for a late season deer hunt in Alabama for this upcoming Jan. If you have personal experience with lodge or outfitter, I'd be interested in hearing your recommenations. I will be rifle hunting Thanks alot

6. Georgia vs. Alabama Deer - GON Forum

  • Aug 20, 2012 · The vast majority of deer stocked in Alabama came from the Stimpson Reserve in Clark county. Bama got a few deer from other sources, but in all ...

  • I would like yalls input on a few items. Deer hunting, mainly the animal seems to be totally different. How can animals so close, be so different. I know i amd not the only one that has seen this. the season in bama starts way later, runs into feb. and the deer even look different. I have hunted...

7. Hunting & Fishing | Alabama Gun Forum

  • Alabama Gun Forum is the largest gun forum for Alabama citizens. Alabama Gun Forum is locally owned and operated. We offer a free place for people to buy, sell ...

  • Discussion of all things hunting and fishing.

8. Alabama Flyway Forum | Refuge Forums

  • Alabama Flyway Forum. Keep up-to-date on waterfowl information in Alabama ... Deer in Jan-Feb 2024 · Vahunter · Jan 3, 2023. Replies: 4. Views: 1K. Jan 21, 2023.

  • Keep up-to-date on waterfowl information in Alabama.

9. Alabama deer hunting lodge/outfitter | Rokslide Forum

  • Feb 19, 2024 · Lil-Rokslider ... Older bucks are much more skiddish and a good hard hunt. ... If you want a luxury experience I think five star lodge is the best.

  • I 've hunted in Alabama a fair number of times around Tuskegee and south of Auburn. Haven't been in a few years. The outfit i used to hunt with retired and sold off a few years back. I'd like to start going if I can find a decent place. I'm not looking for any guarantees or canned hunts but a...

10. Deer Hunting - Auburn Alabama Area - Forums

  • Aug 17, 2008 · MARSHALL, Theres several places fairly close to Auburn you can hunt. Barbour Wildlife Management Area has been a quality deer management area ...

  • Whitetail Deer Hunting - Deer Hunting - Auburn Alabama Area - Just curious. I am moving to Auburn for college in dec. I am an avid hunter mainly hogs (down in FL). However, I go to MI (where I am from) to hunt whitetail. Anyways, My question. Are there any members here that know of public, logging, or hunt/lease land

Al Deer Forum (2024)


What is the biggest deer killed in Alabama? ›

David K. Melton's Greene County whitetail was killed in 1956. However, the 310-inch buck wouldn't get scored by Alabama Whitetail Records until 1990 while it was on display at the World Deer Expo. The other hunters were surprised to hear a couple of shots so quickly after the hunt began, Gene Melton said.

What county in Alabama has the best deer hunting? ›

Great Southern Outdoors Wildlife Plantation is located in Bullock County Alabama, which to avid hunters who know about Alabama hunting, is considered the top area in the Black Belt Region to hunt. Alabama is ranked number two in the nation for deer population and Bullock County is ranked number one in the state.

What is the app to register deer in Alabama? ›

By using the Outdoor AL app, you can immediately record deer or turkey on your harvest record, even if there's no cell phone service. Once service is available, it will automatically complete the transaction, issue the confirmation number, and update your electronic harvest record.

What is the deer capital of America? ›

Texas is home to the most white-tailed deer of any U.S. state or Canadian province, with an estimated population of 5.3 million. High populations of white-tailed deer exist in the Edwards Plateau of central Texas.

What part of Alabama has the most deer? ›

A quick look at Alabama's deer harvest statistics so far this hunting season, based on the new GameCheck app put in place by the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) to help them better manage whitetail herds, shows that northern counties are top producers so far this year, with the early ...

What county has the biggest bucks in Alabama? ›

It was one of the biggest Alabama bucks of the 2020-21 season. The Walker County buck had 20 measurable points and scored an incredible 196 1/8 non-typical. 8-Point Winner: Longtime Expo deer scorer Johnnie Cochran took this impressive 8-point buck in Lamar County. He was hunting in an area between Vernon and Hightogy.

Where is the best public land to hunt in Alabama? ›

The U. S. Forest Service has thousands of acres open to public hunting outside of the Alabama WMA system. These properties include significant tracts of land on Bankhead National Forest, Conecuh National Forest, Talladega National Forest, and Tuskegee National Forest.

What is the #1 hunting state? ›

1. Alaska. Unsurprisingly, Alaska is one of the best states for both fishing and hunting.

What state hunts the most deer? ›

Texas Tops Nation for Number of Deer Hunters in 2017

White-tailed deer are the most popular game animal in the United States.

Can I show my fishing license on my phone in Alabama? ›

With the Outdoor AL app you can:

Keep display your hunting or fishing license digitally. Keep and display your harvest record digitally -- no paper copy needed! Game Check deer and turkey harvests. Report red snapper harvests.

What is a game check? ›

Game Check requires that all hunters, regardless of age or license requirements, report deer and turkey harvests within 48 hours of the harvest.

What app shows deer movement? ›

DeerCast is the most advanced whitetail hunting app, built for deer hunters, by deer hunters. DeerCast predicts whitetail movement down to the hour based on weather variables in your area.

What is a male deer called? ›

A male deer is called a stag or buck, a female deer is called a hind or doe, and a young deer is called a fawn, kid or calf. There are about 60 species of deer. They originally lived in the Northern Hemisphere, and now are native to Europe, Asia, North America and South America.

How big is a booner buck? ›

To qualify as a "Booner" a typical whitetail buck must have antlers that score at least 170 after deductions, known as the "net" score. Anything less is not a Booner.

What is the biggest whitetail buck ever killed? ›

Lenander Jr. killed a colossal buck while hunting near the shores of Lake Superior in the legendary Minnesota Arrow Head Region. This deer pulled the scale to an incredible 402 pounds dressed weight. Wildlife officials have long held the estimate on this buck at 511 pounds live weight.

What is the biggest typical deer ever killed? ›

The current record for the largest typical rack belongs to a deer shot in Saskatchewan, Canada by Milo N. Hanson in 1993. Totaling 213 5/8 points, this largely symmetrical, 14-point rack is impressive to behold.

What is the heaviest deer ever harvested? ›

Lenander Jr. killed a colossal buck while hunting near the shores of Lake Superior in the legendary Minnesota Arrow Head Region. This deer pulled the scale to an incredible 402 pounds dressed weight. Wildlife officials have long held the estimate on this buck at 511 pounds live weight.

What is the biggest killer of deer? ›

Back to the challenge: The correct ranking (source of greatest mortality to least) is human hunting, starvation, coyote, wolf and vehicle collision. Now a follow-up question: How much higher is the deer kill from human hunting than the other four causes? Answer: More than four times higher than any other source.

What is the largest deer ever caught in the world? ›

When the full rack was scored, the total was 312 ⅜ inches. That made it the highest-scoring buck ever shot by a hunter. The previous record, 307 ⅝, was set in Iowa in 2003 by 15-year-old Tony Lovstuen, also with a muzzleloader.

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.